Sunday, June 12, 2011

Spent the Day Making My Blog

What a crazy day.  I kept trying to find out how to start a blog, in fact I have been looking for a week.  Half the day I was fumbling through the web looking for a ' how to do a blog' page.  Frustration setting in, I decided this old mind of mine needed younger help.

I settled on calling a neighbor and asking her to come over and train this pen and paper mind.  I stood up with a hummmm and walked off.

After a delicious green juice breakfast I spent time reading a hiking book. You know, those books that tell you how wonderful it is to walk for miles and miles a day.  Maybe if they say all the right things it will encourage me as I step out in this 95 degree heat to begin my preparation for walking 15 to 20 miles a day, EVERY day for weeks.

What am I getting myself in for here?  Did I let the glory of the walk puff up my brain?  Do I think this is going to be a stroll in the park?

After a couple of hours I came back to the computer to read my email.  I sat down and looked at the page in front of me.  It was talking about starting my own blog, right here on google.  Just push this button and you can start.  Jaw in my lap, my finger hesitantly reached for the button.  Zap!  To late now, I am now in this maze of computer language made for dummies and I still have to read it a couple of times to make sure I understand what to do.  I plunge forward giddy at the prospect that I will actually make a blog and it will work.

After two sessions and lots of ommmmms and awsssssss and hummmmmms, I finally get to this page and begin to type.  I froze, what if no one likes this, what if I am a terrible bore, what if, what if what ifs just kept coming until my fingers just took off.

Deciding I will chronicle my  preparations for myself so I have a diary of what I did to get ready for the walk.  Then when it is over I can see if it was a waste of time or not.  I have learned that it is so easy to forget what one goes through before a big event and looking back isn't always accurate.  So here is the raw truth, my feelings, my pains and my complaints, maybe even a bit of poor me dropping in now and then.

I hope you get something out of my pain and I will do my best to make it as interesting as possible.  Maybe I will carry my camera and take pics of my walks.

I will close with one of my favorite sayings:  "The world will tell you who you are until you tell the world"



  1. Hi,
    I just turned 70 and have hiked many of the Camino trails. I'm not sure where you started on the trail, but as with any hiking trip, it gets easier with time. That's not to say it's ever easy, just a bit easier. However, the heat does me in too, which is why we always go April/May or September/Oct.
    I'm just tuning in, so I don't know how you jumped over to Colorado and the Continental Divide, but since I soon will be trying some of that trail, I'll be interested in your adventures.
    Buen Camino!
    Susan Alcorn

  2. Hi Susan:
    I am in Colorado visiting my granddaughter. I am currently preparing to walk the Camino in May/June 2012. I am doing this blog and reading everything I can find as my way to keep me excited, focused and inspired.

    I don't have anyone around me interested in walking or talking about the Camino. So this is my way to create a support system for me as I prepare for this great adventure.

    I have read your book 'Camino Chronicles' and really enjoyed it. I would love to chat in email if you ever have any time. I just found your website and will read it. I am sure you have much to offer and I could learn a lot from you.

    If you feel inclined just follow me and share any of your infinite wisdom.

    Thanks so much for checking in and critiquing is appreciated as I have never done anything like this before.

    Buen Camino
