Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Walking on Coconut shells?

A few of us on the net have been having discussions on how to take care of our feet with all this walking.  It is not as if walking a lot automatically gives one blisters but instead it is the repetitive daily walk. Walking 5 to 6 hours at average speed or 6 to 8 hours at slow speed day in and day out is the part that makes it difficult.  With the onslaught of cars we just don't walk as much as we used to.  Bedroom communities and suburbs have made it impossible to be able to walk for short errands etc as was done in the past.

Then we add our lifestyles.  Here we go with that statement that you said you would never say when you matured, when I was younger, (there I said it) we walked to the movies, to the soda shop or just into town to do whatever.  Sometimes we would take a bus to the next town and wonder around there.  We didn't have malls and everyone lived within walking distance to most things. 

I remember the flight to the suburbs.  It all looked like such a great idea.  Maybe it was for larger cities that put in public transportation into the city.  They had cute little towns all around a central shopping area and easy access to the trains into work in the city.  But as time has passed the little towns of the nation have grown and the public transportation has not.  So, wha la, we drive everywhere.  There is no easy way for me to get to the south side of the town with public transportation.  So I drive and this means I drive all over the south part of town as now I have my car, instead of public transportation and walking.

I used to do a lot of walking as a kid but as I moved further and further out I just naturally acquired an appendage called my car.  This new appendage got all the exercise while the rest of me just lazed around and let it do the work.  It is in great shape.  It gets it's oil changed, lubed joints, new tires, tune up etc while my body was taken for granted and the inevitable day arrived where I noticed the changes.  I was so lost in the fog of modern life that I couldn't seem to find my way out.  I, as well as many, got caught up in the quick fixes.  Trying and trying to find the answer to this growth that just seemed to have a life of it's own. 

It has taken me decades to finally get it, cut off the appendage.  This idea came with many new feelings.  Is it safe for me to walk on the streets?  Well in some places it isn't and here in Charlotte it is becoming less and less safe.  The cars think you are playing bumper cars with them if you cross the streets.  The old game of getting points for bumping off people on the road is coming true here.  Then we have the shootings and ....  On and on go the fear thoughts at the return to walking. 

One day I cut off the appendage and headed out, scared.  Yes, scared.  I didn't know if I would be mugged or run over by a car or or or.....  The thoughts went on and on until one day, after nothing had happened, I began to feel better and better about being out.  It doesn't help to have the news people constantly say "don't go out walking on the greenway without someone else, safety in numbers game.'  I am aware as I walk but I am walking.  It's funny, I know I will be safe in Spain but I do not feel safe here in America.  Sad.

So back to taking care of my feet now that I am out walking again and need to take care of them.  For long haul walking there are many suggestions.  One of which has always had a yuck factor for me, Vaseline all over your feet and between the toes.  OOOOO!  That doesn't sound too cool to me.  but the more I read about people doing this and saying they don't get blisters when they do this the more I am thinking of trying it.  The newest thing is  Toesox.  Many of you may have heard or seen these things as I understand they have been around for yoga.  Well they are now all the hit for long walking.  Many are swearing by them. 

I haven't tried the vaseline yet but I will be trying my Toesox as soon as they arrive.  They just amaze me.  Read what they say about them: 

"Our poor little toes and feet have been crammed into shoes and socks that don’t allow them to move freely and stretch. While you're exercising your body and wearing athletic shoes, exercise your feet™ in ULTRA Sport ToeSox running socks.
Two things cause blisters - moisture and friction. Eliminate these two elements and your feet are blister-free. The five- toe design of ToeSox running toe socks prevents skin on skin friction, while the Cocona® fibers of the ULTRA Sport running socks provide the most superior moisture wicking technology."

What are Cocona fibers you ask?  Well read this:

"Not only do these running socks with Cocona® natural technology provide evaporative cooling for the feet, but the fibers become odor resistant.
Combine the moisture wicking technology of Cocona® with the vented knit top of the ULTRA Sport ToeSox, and you'll find your feet in the best running socks to keep your feet cooled as the heat and moisture are able to be released."

"Cocona® technology utilizes recycled coconut shells (not husks) that would have gone to landfills. Suppliers convert the coconut shells into activated carbon, primarily for the air and water filtration industries. The particles that are too small are made even smaller. These active particles and proprietary minerals are then embedded inside man-made fibers like polyester and nylon. This natural technology™ provides the ultimate in evaporative cooling and odor management. Since the technology is permanently embedded into the fiber, they will retain or even improve their performance over the life of the product."

Coconut shells!  Hummmm!  What an interesting thing I will be putting on my feet.  If I were a bit sillier I probably would draw a pic here of me walking on coconut half shells.  Ha! Ha! so funny. I have my pair on the way and I will let you know what they feel like and how they work.  I am looking to release my hot spots on my heals and help with my Achilles  tendon area.  I have found a great exercise that is really working.  It takes a stair and an up and down movement while I deep breathe.   

The next thing to consider is the procedure that is recommended to take care of blisters that make it all the way through all our planning and technology.  It is to simply thread a needle (clean one) and poke it through the blister leaving the thread hanging out of the in hole and the out hole so all the fluid can drip out along the thread.  This is supposed to keep the raw skin underneath protected and the fluids out and is supposed to facilitate easy healing.  Rather than the horrid feet I read about that are loaded with upwards of ten or twelve blisters all broken, raw and infected.  Yuck!

This adventure in life just keeps getting more and more interesting.  It is a good thing I don't scare easily.  But I must confess I do have an unusually strong belief that this won't happen to me.  Sly smile her, more like a devil smile, for I will probably have my own share of problems walking the Camino but I will be as versed as possible on how to take care of all these great adventures that are coming my way.

I got in my laps yesterday but today I am cleaning as I gave away all my plants (except one huge ivy in my bathroom that I am going to try and move).  We are back in the heat factor of  over  100 degrees along with the typical humidity and dew point.  It is so hard to walk in this weather but when you add the bad air quality here it gets damaging to the body.  I did it one day and it took 2 days to recover from it and I only did about 4 miles that day as I noticed the air quality and difficulty in breathing just standing still.

Have a glorious day.  I will close with a pic along the Camino:

Buen Camino

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