Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Poudre River Trail and the Family

Heading out for a great ride

 This was a real excursion.  It took about 2 hours just to prepare.  Getting out the bikes, pumping up the tires, putting the chariot together and deciding which tricycle to take.  Then loading the cars.  I can only carry 2 bikes and the chariot so the tricycle and other bike went into the kids car.  Off down the road the caravan went, in hunt for the trail head.

We arrived to find a nature center at the trail head with birds of prey.  We had lunch and then jumped on our bikes.  Earlier I had said this was 18 miles round trip but have since learned it is 22 miles round trip.  Since we had the little one and she kept wanting to ride her tricycle we only did half of it.  That was 11 miles in all and my 3 year old grand daughter peddled about a mile of it on her tricycle.  What a trouper.

The trail was a mixture of terrain.  I was surprised at all the underpasses and places where we had to get up onto the highway and cross a bridge or a street to continue.  I was a long piece to be doing this.  There was my bike, the chariot and then the tricycle.  We estimated I was pulling an extra 85lbs so the up hills were not easy.

Here we are:  

Mema, Ceanna and Daddy in the background

Here is Ceanna trying to keep up with Mom and Dad:

Ceanna peddling away   

Mom and Dad got away:

Ceanna trying to catch up

Yeaa  rest time  

We were out riding for 4 hours, including a stop at a playground for Ceanna to play.   It is easy to get her out on these trips if their is a play ground involved.  She  is still quite young but we want to break her into being an active part of life.  It is amazing to me how much I missed over the years not knowing what fun it is to be out and truly enjoying what this wonderful earth has to offer.  Even though I grew up in Vermont, I grew up in a city and with a father that took his sons out camping, fishing etc but his daughter was not allowed to come because girls don't do those things, that's for men only.  The same thing happened when I asked to learn how to mow the lawn.  Weird father.  So it took me years to get over his training.  But I consider myself a lucky one because I found/discovered how great life can be if you just get out and enjoy it.

I have an operation coming up that is slowing the training down but after I will be pushing even more.  I am trying to get a job that is very physically active as another way to help rebuild this body.  For this trip, it didn't have any dramatic events but it was enjoyable as well as a real push pulling 85 extra lbs up the hills. I felt like I had a great work out.

buen camino

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