WOW my Achilles tendons are giving me some PPAAAAIINNNNNNNNNN! I am looking for anything you all may know to help them. I guess this means I need to do some sort of exercising or stretching to build them. I have started to stretch them more and am walking barefoot and with flip flops to help exercise them. But they are definitely paining me.
The first time this happened to me was after a 10K several years ago. Took some time to heal. But it did. I have not had any problems until now. Help!!
A great thing has happened. I can squat down and my heals stay on the ground and I can hold this position for a short time and then move up without any support needed. Just my legs. Really awesome as I had lost this ability. I am happy to have it back, means my legs are getting stronger again. So what I need help with is strengthening my Achilles tendons. If this helps, I can feel something pulled or sore all the way up through my left leg, like one long muscle in pain. It is on the back of my leg.
Went to do my laps yesterday but got caught in a thunder and lightening storm. So didn't happen. Will head out today to try and make up for it. I do like the fact that by doing two different strokes I am working so many more muscles swimming.
Great news. I believe I have found my , just right, eating and exercise routine. We will watch it closely for the next 4 weeks and if I continue to lose weight then I know I got it just right for me. I tweaked my diet a bit and it seems to be making the difference. One of the ways I know this is working is because my son came into town for a few days on business and we went out to dinner. He took me to a top of the line Steak house (Sullivan's). We had a great meal. I compensated the day of the meal by saving 1/2 my calories for the dinner. Then the next day I cut my calories short by 200. This A.M. I weighed thinking I would see how much damage the meal did and how much I would have to work off and discovered I had gone down another 1/2 lb. Now that was a shock and a delight. I finally feel like a success in action and that it is only a matter of time till I accomplish my goal to get rid of this extra weight and get back into shape. Yeaaaaaaaa!
If any of you have done body repair and rebuild please share what ever you did. I am an open book looking to add to my knowledge. It seems I keep learning more every year but it is not always easy to discover what is just right for me and what I need to ignore.
So let's move on and talk more about this great trail I am about to do. I think it is so exciting to walk down the trail that so many people of the past have walked. Like St Francis of Assisi, Charlemagne and many many more. The Knights Templar were charged with keepiing the pilgrims safe along the way. This road has been actively walked every year for the last 1000 years. It had been walked before that but the years were sporadic. In historical days it was a very common practice to go on a pilgrimage. One would set out form their home and head towards Rome, Jerusalem or Santiago. Over the years Rome and Jerusalem have gone through some turbulent times and Santiago became the safer place to travel. It is said that the bones of Saint James the greater, one of Jesus disciples, are buried there. People would go for absolution. For forgiveness of sins so they could get into heaven. I am sure there are still people that walk the Camino to Santiago for just these same reasons today. But in keeping with our modern culture, the reasons for walking have changed.
Many walkers will make the trip in times of turmoil in their lives. Maybe a loss of a loved one, having no direction in life etc. It has even been used for curing criminals. In past times (not aware if they still do this) criminals were forced to walk the Camino instead of going to jail. They say this walk under the Milky Way heals or changes one. Many a criminal has walked this as their penance and has come back a reformed person. So the reasons for walking are as varied as are the people that walk it. The most notable thing is that it is safe to walk, even alone and even as a female.
Europeans walk way more that Americans. It is not uncommon for a European to walk out of their front door and walk across Europe to Spain and across Spain to Santiago for their needs. The sheer numbers of people on the trail have grown over the years, doubling in many cases. It is said that in holy years upwards of 200,000 people walk the Camino. It has become more and more popular. And, the amazing thing, people speak all kinds of languages and don't always know Spanish or the languages of those around them but they all seem to get along and seem to have found a way to communicate.
I will close with some more pics of the Camino. I hope you all have a great Thursday.
Since I am talking about sore feet today I thought a pic of a pilgrims troubles would be appropriate. I am hoping by this prep that I will be able to avoid most of the troubles I read about.
These are some of the markers one follows to find their way. They can be anywhere as these pics show. Therefore, one has to be very attentive to stay on trail, especially in the city.
Buen Camino
The first time this happened to me was after a 10K several years ago. Took some time to heal. But it did. I have not had any problems until now. Help!!
A great thing has happened. I can squat down and my heals stay on the ground and I can hold this position for a short time and then move up without any support needed. Just my legs. Really awesome as I had lost this ability. I am happy to have it back, means my legs are getting stronger again. So what I need help with is strengthening my Achilles tendons. If this helps, I can feel something pulled or sore all the way up through my left leg, like one long muscle in pain. It is on the back of my leg.
Went to do my laps yesterday but got caught in a thunder and lightening storm. So didn't happen. Will head out today to try and make up for it. I do like the fact that by doing two different strokes I am working so many more muscles swimming.
Great news. I believe I have found my , just right, eating and exercise routine. We will watch it closely for the next 4 weeks and if I continue to lose weight then I know I got it just right for me. I tweaked my diet a bit and it seems to be making the difference. One of the ways I know this is working is because my son came into town for a few days on business and we went out to dinner. He took me to a top of the line Steak house (Sullivan's). We had a great meal. I compensated the day of the meal by saving 1/2 my calories for the dinner. Then the next day I cut my calories short by 200. This A.M. I weighed thinking I would see how much damage the meal did and how much I would have to work off and discovered I had gone down another 1/2 lb. Now that was a shock and a delight. I finally feel like a success in action and that it is only a matter of time till I accomplish my goal to get rid of this extra weight and get back into shape. Yeaaaaaaaa!
If any of you have done body repair and rebuild please share what ever you did. I am an open book looking to add to my knowledge. It seems I keep learning more every year but it is not always easy to discover what is just right for me and what I need to ignore.
So let's move on and talk more about this great trail I am about to do. I think it is so exciting to walk down the trail that so many people of the past have walked. Like St Francis of Assisi, Charlemagne and many many more. The Knights Templar were charged with keepiing the pilgrims safe along the way. This road has been actively walked every year for the last 1000 years. It had been walked before that but the years were sporadic. In historical days it was a very common practice to go on a pilgrimage. One would set out form their home and head towards Rome, Jerusalem or Santiago. Over the years Rome and Jerusalem have gone through some turbulent times and Santiago became the safer place to travel. It is said that the bones of Saint James the greater, one of Jesus disciples, are buried there. People would go for absolution. For forgiveness of sins so they could get into heaven. I am sure there are still people that walk the Camino to Santiago for just these same reasons today. But in keeping with our modern culture, the reasons for walking have changed.
Many walkers will make the trip in times of turmoil in their lives. Maybe a loss of a loved one, having no direction in life etc. It has even been used for curing criminals. In past times (not aware if they still do this) criminals were forced to walk the Camino instead of going to jail. They say this walk under the Milky Way heals or changes one. Many a criminal has walked this as their penance and has come back a reformed person. So the reasons for walking are as varied as are the people that walk it. The most notable thing is that it is safe to walk, even alone and even as a female.
Europeans walk way more that Americans. It is not uncommon for a European to walk out of their front door and walk across Europe to Spain and across Spain to Santiago for their needs. The sheer numbers of people on the trail have grown over the years, doubling in many cases. It is said that in holy years upwards of 200,000 people walk the Camino. It has become more and more popular. And, the amazing thing, people speak all kinds of languages and don't always know Spanish or the languages of those around them but they all seem to get along and seem to have found a way to communicate.
I will close with some more pics of the Camino. I hope you all have a great Thursday.
Since I am talking about sore feet today I thought a pic of a pilgrims troubles would be appropriate. I am hoping by this prep that I will be able to avoid most of the troubles I read about.
These are some of the markers one follows to find their way. They can be anywhere as these pics show. Therefore, one has to be very attentive to stay on trail, especially in the city.
Buen Camino
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