Friday, June 17, 2011

I hurt so much when I woke up this morning that I just laid there in bed drinking tea

Wow! What a day.  Exhausted yesterday, fell asleep at 7:30pm last night.  Legs tired from walking and swimming.  Woke up early with pain.  Didn't want to move today.  So I drank tea, ate toast and laid around.

Suddenly about 2:30pm the pain was gone and I was ready to head out.  So I swallowed my complaints about the intense heat (92 degrees) and put on my sneakers and backpack.  Off I went.  Today I listened to my ipod.  Usually I don't take it with me as I don't want to be so used to walking with it that it makes it difficult on the Camino.  I would take it to Spain but their will be no way to recharge the batteries. 

I found my stride and just kept going.  I decided to go get some groceries and carry them home in my backpack.  I am practicing carrying more and more weight.  The last time I went to the store it was too much and I got a back ache.  This time I did very well.  No pain anywhere and I walked over 6 miles.  Yeaaaaaa

I got three emails from people who checked in here.  They have walked the Camino and had many things to share.  Thanks Eileen, Barbara and Diane.  I am enriched by all three of you and your sharing.

My quote for today is:

"I cannot THINK myself into a new way of living.  I have to LIVE myself into a new way of thinking."
Author and Zen Buddhist Monk Claude AnShin Thomas

Thank you to every one of you wonderful people who are following me and checking in on my blog.

Buen Camino


  1. I have cycled some of the Camino routes rather than walked, but i think essentially the same things apply; go as far as you can, stop when you need to, always take enough water, always carry some food, be kind to yourself and others, learn to be resourceful, SMILE!
    I have read many camino books (especially during the years I was too ill to go) and i thought i'd list a few in case you haven't read them:
    Following the Milky Way /The Journey by Elyn Aviva
    Spanish Steps by Tim Moore (sooo funny)
    The Cockleshell Pilgrim by Katherine Lack
    Sacred Roads by Nicholas Shrady
    Amber, Furs and Cockleshells by Anne Mustoe (RIP)
    The Way of St. James by James Bentley
    Pilgrimage;Adventures of the Spirit - Eds Sean & James O'Reilly
    The Pilgrimage to santiago by Edwin Mullens
    Pilgrimage to the End of the World by Conrad Rudolph
    The Great Donkey Walk by Susan Chitty
    (the last one was done in the 1970s and they start at Santiago & walk across the whole of europe with their kids!! it is listed on ebay uk now)
    I think you are doing all the right things - walking practice and reading widely.Maybe try to memorize some poetry or songs to replace the ipod on the road - i drove my husband potty singing sea shanties and reciting shakespeare at him!! On really tough bits i disassociated myself from my pained body by choosing a six letter word then making as many words as possible from the letters - it gets you up a hill - really!
    I wish you all the joy and luck in the world and cannot wait until i can go again too1
    ultreya, jo (uk)

  2. Hi Jo

    Wow what a great comment. So much information. I have read some of the books but not all of them. I will look into getting them.

    I am about to start To a Field of Stars by Kevin Codd. I will check your entire list out and will read what I haven't. Thanks so much. I am going to get the funny one first. I love to read the books that tell it like it is and ones that make me laugh.

    I appreciate that you were my first comment on my blog. What a joy to receive it.

    Buen Camino
