I cannot begin to tell you all the things that have been happening to me since my last post. It seems that at every turn another pile gets added to my life. Just the thought of going on this trip puts up new and bigger walls to overcome. Life doesn't seem to cut many breaks right now. I am finding my way around, over and through each of these events. I even had strep throat and walking pneumonia, I am not usually sick except for small colds but this year has been a winner. So right now, I am rebuilding my lungs AGAIN. I haven't lost any weight lately as all this illness has me overeating. On a light note, my daughter has lost 80 lbs since last September and looks awesome. My turn now.
I am reading a book written by Cheri Powell called Seven Tips to Make the Most of the Camino de Santiago. I love her tips, they help me to feel like I am beginning to know what to do here. I am like the Goldy Hawn movie where she falls off her yacht and ends up as a 'mother' to a brood of country kids. She is completely lost but eventually figures things out and ends up staying in her new life and leaving her past life style. Cheri's book is helping me to figure out what to bring and how to do things and where to go to get them and what I should expect when I get to the store. Awesome, I now have my boots. It took two trips to the store 3 months apart, returning the first pair as they did not fit correctly and finding a much better pair for my feet. I have been wearing them around for the last couple of months and they are very comfortable. One thing done and many, many more to go.
It is very interesting to watch myself. In my younger years I just did things. They got done even if I didn't know how. I was busy but life got figured out. Now that I am more mature I find myself in the biggest quandary of my life. I am suddenly having problems with figuring out how to get things done and when I decide a way the road seems to disappear. It is difficult to keep in the positive sometimes. BUT, conversely, I am also manifesting in new ways. These small successes have given me great hope for the future.
My time for the walk has changed, yet again. I will be taking care of my grandson until he is 3 and goes into the Goddard Preschool Program. This puts my time out to fall of 2015. I am trying to find an inexpensive place to live so I can keep my money for the trip socked away. That is a huge feat here in Ft Collins where rent has doubled.
I am going out for my first long walk, since I got over pneumonia, this afternoon. I am going to take a small trail and do a bit of uphill. You all might hear me breathing all the way around the world, chuckle chuckle!
I would like to use this post for a shameless promotion of a great childrens book written by a friend of mine:

I am reading a book written by Cheri Powell called Seven Tips to Make the Most of the Camino de Santiago. I love her tips, they help me to feel like I am beginning to know what to do here. I am like the Goldy Hawn movie where she falls off her yacht and ends up as a 'mother' to a brood of country kids. She is completely lost but eventually figures things out and ends up staying in her new life and leaving her past life style. Cheri's book is helping me to figure out what to bring and how to do things and where to go to get them and what I should expect when I get to the store. Awesome, I now have my boots. It took two trips to the store 3 months apart, returning the first pair as they did not fit correctly and finding a much better pair for my feet. I have been wearing them around for the last couple of months and they are very comfortable. One thing done and many, many more to go.
It is very interesting to watch myself. In my younger years I just did things. They got done even if I didn't know how. I was busy but life got figured out. Now that I am more mature I find myself in the biggest quandary of my life. I am suddenly having problems with figuring out how to get things done and when I decide a way the road seems to disappear. It is difficult to keep in the positive sometimes. BUT, conversely, I am also manifesting in new ways. These small successes have given me great hope for the future.
My time for the walk has changed, yet again. I will be taking care of my grandson until he is 3 and goes into the Goddard Preschool Program. This puts my time out to fall of 2015. I am trying to find an inexpensive place to live so I can keep my money for the trip socked away. That is a huge feat here in Ft Collins where rent has doubled.
I am going out for my first long walk, since I got over pneumonia, this afternoon. I am going to take a small trail and do a bit of uphill. You all might hear me breathing all the way around the world, chuckle chuckle!
I would like to use this post for a shameless promotion of a great childrens book written by a friend of mine:
Awesome book. Received it, opened the package and my grand
daughter asked me to read it to her right away. She was completely focused on
the story and when done she said she loved it. A real winner for kids starting
school as well as moving. My grand daughter will leave her preschool and
friends, moving to her elementary school without her friends, of the last 3
years, and starting a new school this fall. I recommend this book for all kids
as all kids experience changes throughout life. It is a great story as well as
a great mentor. Thanks Stacey for writing a book that is well needed in this mobile world of today.
I am on my way out now and look forward to talking on here more often. Thanks for hanging around and reading this. I still expect to write my experience here when I walk and of course, as I continue my training to share my experiences.
Buen Camino