The term Walkabout comes from the Australian Aboriginal. The idea is that a person can get so caught up in one's work, obligations and duties that the truly important parts of one's self become lost. From there it is a downward spiral as one gets farther and farther from the true self. A crisis situation usually develops that awakens the wayward to the absent true self. It is at this time that one must go on walkabout. All possessions are left behind (except for essential items) and one starts walking. Metaphorically speaking, the journey goes on until you meet yourself. Once you find yourself, you sit down and have a long talk about what one has learned, felt and done in each other's absence. One talks until there is nothing left to say -- the truly important things cannot be said. If one is lucky, after everything has been said and unsaid, one looks up and sees only one person instead of the previous two.
-Source Unknown
One day I will be able to get out form under my expenses and then I will begin my walkabout. I read books and dream about this adventure. It keeps my dream alive. It helps to make sure my dream will come true. It is almost a formidable desire. I have been thinking about this for sometime now. More like a decade +. I was close once. But now I feel so far away from my dream. Right now it is about keeping it alive in me and KNOWING that one day I will get to do this.
I am undertaking a new adventure that I hope will help me prepare for this walk. I have tried to get back into the accounting world since I was laid off in the 2008 down turn without success. So I have taken a nanny job. This certainly will help me to get into shape. I will have a 7 year old and a 4 year old. I have this job for 2 years until the children are in school all day. During this time I will work on writing my book, getting into shape and selling my home and paying off my debts.
THEN I am leaving for Spain. I will go with at least a 3 month visa so I can really do a true walkabout, with no constraints.
Buen Camino